Business Owners Just a friendly reminder. If you would like to claim superannuation payments in the current financial year for the june quarter, you will need to finalise payments today so that they are processed. This will allow enough time for the super funds to...
June is now upon us, and that means many things – Tax planning, finishing off the years bookkeeping and much more. This year however, there will be major changes to super guarantee which will require changes to the way that super is paid. Up until now super...
It’s important to remember that you need to have your 2021 income tax return lodged before June 30 if you are the recipient of Family Tax Benefit (FTB) and/or Child Care Subsidy (CCS). Even if you have a deferral to lodge given by the ATO, this will not prevent...
For employers that have employees that have a Statewide Super Superannuation Fund, the super accounts are being merged over to HostPlus at present. This will affect employees in a number of ways, and unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a solution to get...
Many of our clients are using Dext to take photos of their receipts and invoices, and this helps to keep their bookkeeping and accounts very organised. I thought I’d set up a quick guide to using Dext so that users know the 3 main ways to bring in invoices and...