We can all agree that this year has been unprecedented, with Covid-19 taking hold and the stresses that it has caused to many businesses around the world. Early on when the countries services were being closed down and restrictions being put in place, the federal...
Whilst there has been a number of federal stimulus packages there are also a number of state level stimulus packages along with different grants available to a variety of industries. This list is by no means complete but gives an outline of some of the most readily...
Since the announcement of the JobKeeper payment last week, we read through the fact sheet regarding the payments available for an employer to pass on payments to their employees. There is an example in the fact sheet that showed someone called Adam that received...
Over the past few weeks we’ve heard a lot of people distressed about how the stimulus packages doesn’t include them, so we were happy to hear the latest stimulus package that was announced by Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Monday 30th March 2020 caters...
We are receiving many calls from clients, and discussing peoples situations during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak. There is a lot of information to get through and we are trying our best to make it easier to understand all of the information that is coming...
Coronavirus (Covid-19) As we go through these unprecedented times, we are doing our best to not only understand the different changes in taxation that are occurring from immediate tax changes being implemented by the government in these extreme circumstance but to...