To make sure you are not hit by additional charges, employers need to make sure that they are paying the correct amount of super for all eligible employees by the quarterly due date. For the July to September 2022 period is due by 28th October 2022. It is important to...
Here at Ace Business we are continually refining our processes to improve our efficiencies and to also better meet our clients needs. We are making some minor adjustments to our process for sending Outcome of assessments after the ATO has processed them. We will send...
We just wanted to remind everyone that director ID’s are required if you are a director of a company. We previously outlined the process in a blog post. If you have previously applied for the director ID but not sent it through to us, please do so by emailing...
Unfortunately as with many of the online apps have been doing, Xero has decided that it will be raising it’s prices in September. The latest price rise, follows a number of software price increases that we’ve endured in the past 12 months with a 750%...
We are excited to announce that Ace Business now has a new location. Last week we officially moved into our new office space at 928 North East Road Modbury. We are loving our new space, which is much bigger than the home office, and allows for much quieter work and...